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Mohlomi v Minister of Defence   flag 

[1996] ICHRL 70
Interights Commonwealth Human Rights Law
26th September, 1996

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Defence Act (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Mwellie v Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication (1995) 9 BCLR 1118; [1996] 2 CHRLD 199 Canada - British Columbia circa 1996 flag 8
Chairman of the Council of State v Qokose 1994 2 BCLR 1 Canada - British Columbia circa 1994 flag 8
Mohlomi v Minister of Defence [1996] ZACC 20; 1997 1 SA 124 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 26 Sep 1996 SAFLII flag 143
S v Makwanyane [1995] ZACC 3; 1995 3 SA 391; 1995 2 SACR 1; [1996] 2 CHRLD 164 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 6 Jun 1995 SAFLII flag 934
Stambolie v Commissioner of Police 1990 2 SA 369 South Africa circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 8
(1996) 2 CHRLD 35 (1996) 2 CHRLD 35 circa 1996 1

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