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Mohlomi v Minister of Defence   flag 

[1996] ICHRL 70
Interights Commonwealth Human Rights Law
26th September, 1996

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Defence Act (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
S v Makwanyane [1995] ZACC 3; 1995 3 SA 391; 1995 2 SACR 1; [1996] 2 CHRLD 164 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 6 Jun 1995 SAFLII flag 939
Mohlomi v Minister of Defence [1996] ZACC 20; 1997 1 SA 124 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 26 Sep 1996 SAFLII flag 143
Mwellie v Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication (1995) 9 BCLR 1118; [1996] 2 CHRLD 199 Canada - British Columbia circa 1996 flag 8
Chairman of the Council of State v Qokose 1994 2 BCLR 1 Canada - British Columbia circa 1994 flag 8
Stambolie v Commissioner of Police 1990 2 SA 369 South Africa circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 8
(1996) 2 CHRLD 35 (1996) 2 CHRLD 35 circa 1996 1

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