Eustaquio Mallilin, JR vs Ma Elvira Castillo
[2000] PHSC 641
Supreme Court of the Philippines
16 Jun 2000
In the matter of the Testate Estate of the deceased Edward E Christensen, Adolfo Cruz Aznar Maria Lucy Christensen Daney and Adolfo Cruz Aznar v Maria Helen Christensen Garcia and Bernarda Camporedondos
[1958] PHSC 44
Supreme Court of the Philippines
14 Feb 1958
Margaret Maxey assisted by Santiago Magbanua; Florence Maxey assisted by Ofrecinio Santos; and Lucille Maxey v the Honorable Court of Appeals and the Spouses Beato C MacAyra and Alacopue Monday
[1984] PHSC 94
Supreme Court of the Philippines
11 May 1984
Teresita C Yaptinchay v Hon Guillermo E Torres, Judge of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, Pasig Branch; Virginia Y Yaptinchay, in her own behalf and in her capacity as Special Administratrix in the Intestate Estate of the deceased Isidro Y Yaptinchay and Jesus Monzon, Mary Yaptinchay Eligir, Ernesto Yaptinchay, Antonio Yaptinchay, Asuncion Yaptinchay, Josefina Y Yaptinchay, Rosa Y Monzon, Isabel Y Valeriano, Remedios Y Yaptinchay, Felicidad Y Arguelles, Mary Doe and John Doe
Supreme Court of the Philippines
9 Jun 1969