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Matching Cases: 9

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
56 Scra 696 56 SCRA 696 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1936 flag 2
Lowden v Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co 298 US 160; 80 L Ed 1114; 56 SCt 696 United States Supreme Court United States 27 Apr 1936 WorldLII flag 28
Florida In Turlington v Tampa Electric Co 56 So 696; 62 Fla 398 United States - Florida circa 1936 flag 1
F Rogers v BHP Steel International (1989) 56 SAIR 696-701 Australia - South Australia circa 1989 flag 1
Rogers v BHP Steel International 56 SAIR 696 Australia - South Australia circa 1936 flag
56 Fed 696; 13 Usapp 354 56 FED 696; 13 USApp 354 United States circa 1936 flag 1
Custoni Credit Corporation Ltd v Gray [1991] ASC 56-696 Australia circa 1991 flag 1
Eastick v Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 56 ALJR 696 Australia circa 1936 flag
56 Mad 696 56 Mad 696 India circa 1936 flag 1

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