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22d MW 1704   flag  2

22d MW 1704
Money Week
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Anne Cole, Widow, and Harry Cole, Esq,-Appellants; Mercy Godfrey, Executrix of William Godfrey, Executor of Henry Godfrey,-Respondent [1706] EngR 1; 1 ER 323; [1706] Colles 354 United Kingdom circa 1706 CommonLII flag
John Deye, Executor of Elizabeth Ashby, Widow, deceased,-Appellant; Thomas Stevenson, and Jane his Wife,-Respondents [1706] EngR 8; 1 ER 324; [1706] Colles 357 United Kingdom circa 1706 CommonLII flag

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