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Mathai Samuel v Eapen Eapen (Dead) by LRS   flag 

[2012] INSC 692
Supreme Court of India
21st November, 2012

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Musther, In re; Groves v Musther [1890] UKLawRpCh 11; (1890) 43 Ch D 569 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 27 Jan 1890 CommonLII flag 5
2 Ch 196 2 Ch 196 Court of Chancery United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Rajes Kanta Roy v Santi Debi [1956] INSC 72; [1957] SCR 77; AIR 1957 SC 255 Supreme Court of India India 19 Nov 1956 LIIofIndia flag 6
K Balakrishnan v K Kamalam (2004) 1 SCC 581 circa 2004 5
Narayanan Embranthiri (2009) 2 SCC 673 circa 2009 2
Bose and Anr v Gopal Prasad Sen AIR 1930 PC 242 Privy Council India circa 1930 flag 3
Shore v Wilson (1842) 9 Cl & F 355; 8 ER 450; 4 St Tr NS 1370 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1842 flag 82
(1985) 4 SCC 85 (1985) 4 SCC 85 circa 1985 2
Ananthachary (2010) 4 SCC 161 circa 2010 1
2 SCC 294 2 SCC 294 circa 2010 6

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