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Shri Satish, S/o Shri Ram Narain v Govt of NCT of Delhi through The Chief Secretary - Case   flag 

[2012] INCAT 1302
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
4th May, 2012

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Union of India v Raj Kumar Gujaral [1973] SLC 82 Scottish Law Commission United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1973 BAILII flag 2
Union of India Vs Mahavir C Singhvi (2010) 7 SCALE 623 Supreme Court of India India circa 2010 flag 4
Nehru Yuvak Kendra v Mehboob Alam 2008 1 SCC (L & S) 457 Supreme Court of India India circa 2008 flag 5
Ajit Singh v Punjab & Anr (1983) 2 SCC 217; 1983 2 SCR 517; 1983 1 SCALE 262; AIR 1983 SC 494 Supreme Court of India India circa 1983 flag 16
1 SCC (l & S) 443 1 SCC (L & S) 443 Supreme Court of India India circa 1983 flag 9
Bihar and Anothers Versus Shiva Bhikshuk Mishra [1973] SLR 863 Singapore - Singapore circa 1973 LexisNexis flag 1
2 SCC 479 2 SCC 479 circa 1983 8
3 SCC 60 3 SCC 60 9
Tiwari Versus District Board Agra (1964) 3 SCR 555 circa 1964 2

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