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Geoffrey S Holt v Director General, Department of Education and Training   flag 

[2009] WAIRComm 664
Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - Western Australia
10th September, 2009

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Industrial Relations Act 1979 (Vic)
Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA)
Real Estate and Business Agents’ Act 1978 (WA) s61
School Education Act 1999 (WA) s235

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
South-West Forest Defence Foundation (No 2) v Department of Conservation & Land Management (No 2) [1998] HCA 35; (1998) 194 CLR 355; (1998) 154 ALR 411; (1998) 72 ALJR 1008; (1998) 101 LGERA 114; (1998) 10 Leg Rep 26 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 May 1998 AustLII flag 5350
Norwest Beef Industries Ltd and Derby Meat Processing Co Ltd v AMIEU (1984) 12 IR 314; (1984) 64 WAIG 2124 Australia - Western Australia circa 1984 flag 132
AEEFEU v Minister for Health 71 WAIG 2253 Australia - Western Australia circa 1998 flag 27
Excell v Harris (1983) 51 ALR 137 Australia circa 1983 LexisNexis AU flag 12
[2009] Waircomm 00664 [2009] WAIRComm 00664 Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Western Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 2
Norwest Beef Industries Ltd v Australian Meat Industries Employees Union (WA) (1984) 64 WAIG 2174 Australia - Western Australia circa 1984 flag 1

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