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Hillman v Bankstown Handicapped Children's Centre Association Inc   flag  3

[2008] NSWIRComm 64; (2008) 183 IR 376
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - New South Wales
16th September, 2008

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Bankstown Handicapped Children's Centre Association Inc v Hillman [2010] FCAFC 11; (2010) 182 FCR 483; (2010) 265 ALR 23; (2010) 192 IR 212 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Feb 2010 AustLII flag 41
Brian Charles Carter v Carenne Support Ltd [2009] NSWIRComm 173 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 20 Oct 2009 AustLII flag 1
Manefield v Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc T-as Child Care New South Wales (No 2) [2010] NSWIRComm 119 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 26 Aug 2010 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth)
Higher Education Funding Act 1988 (Cth)
Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) s78A
Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) s4, s16
Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) s135
Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW)
Co-operative Housing and Starr-Bowkett Societies Act 1998 (NSW)
Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) s106, s167
Associations Incorporation Act 1984 (NSW)
Co-operatives Act 1992 (NSW)
Disability Services Act 1993 (NSW)
Friendly Societies Act 1989 (NSW)
Local Government Act 1919 (NSW) s4, s51, s66, s10

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
R v Trade Practices Tribunal; Ex parte St George County Council [1974] HCA 7; (1974) 130 CLR 533; (1974) 2 ALR 371; (1974) 48 ALJR 26 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Mar 1974 AustLII flag 108
Quickenden v O ’ Connor [2001] FCA 303; (2001) 109 FCR 243; 184 ALR 260 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Mar 2001 AustLII flag 93
Bankstown Handicapped Children's Centre Association Inc v Hillman [2010] FCAFC 11; (2010) 182 FCR 483; (2010) 265 ALR 23; (2010) 192 IR 212 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Feb 2010 AustLII flag 41
Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Incorporated v Mark James Lawrence [2007] WAIRComm 00435; (2007) 166 IR 248; (2007) 87 WAIG 856 Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Western Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag 28
Garvey v Institute of General Practice Education Incorporated [2007] NSWIRComm 159; (2007) 165 IR 62 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 28 Jun 2007 AustLII flag 6
Brian Charles Carter v Carenne Support Ltd [2009] NSWIRComm 173 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 20 Oct 2009 AustLII flag 1
Mark Fowler v Syd-West Q2463 [1998] IRCommA 904 Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia circa 1998 AustLII flag 1
Manefield v Association of Quality Child Care Centres of NSW Inc T-as Child Care New South Wales (No 2) [2010] NSWIRComm 119 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 26 Aug 2010 AustLII flag

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