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Harish S/o Ghasiram and One Another v MP - Cra--1664/1999   flag 

[2006] INMPHC 238
High Court of Madhya Pradesh
India - Madhya Pradesh
4th October, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1979] Cr LJ 236 [1979] Cr LJ 236 India circa 1979 flag 2
Air 2004 SC 742; Air 2004 SC 2688 AIR 2004 SC 742; AIR 2004 SC 2688 Supreme Court of India India circa 2004 flag 2
Ganpat Rao Ji Suryavanshi v Maharashtra [1980] Cr LJ 853 India circa 1980 flag 2
Gujarat v Bai Fatima & Anr [1975] INSC 78; (1975) 2 SCC 7; (1975) 3 SCR 933; AIR 1975 SC 1478 Supreme Court of India India 19 Mar 1975 LIIofIndia flag 30
Laxmi Singh Vs Bihar AIR 1976 SC 2263 Supreme Court of India India circa 1976 flag 35
Mohar Rai & Bharath Rai v Bihar [1968] INSC 74; 1968 3 SCR 525; AIR 1968 SC 1281 Supreme Court of India India 22 Mar 1968 LIIofIndia flag 20
Puran Singh v Punjab [1975] INSC 107; (1975) 4 SCC 518; [1975] SCR 299; AIR 1975 SC 1674 Supreme Court of India India 25 Apr 1975 LIIofIndia flag 20

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