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Splland Acqofficer v Purshottam Mulgaonkar - FA / 16 / 2001   flag 

[2005] INGAHC 34
High Court of Bombay at Goa
23rd February, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
8 SCC 136 8 SCC 136 4
10 SCC 613 10 SCC 613 2
8 SCC 186 8 SCC 186 4
3 SCC 766 3 SCC 766 1
9 SCC 330 9 SCC 330 2
7 SCC 503 7 SCC 503 3
Rajasthan v T N Saheni(2001 10 SCC 69 circa 2001 1
Administrator General of West Bengal v Collector(AIR [1988] SC 943 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1988 flag 5
2 SCC 495 2 SCC 495 circa 1988 8
4 SCC 250 4 SCC 250 circa 1988 7

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