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Commission v Spain (Environment and consumers)   flag 

[2005] EUECJ C-416/02
Court of Justice of the European Communities
8th September, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1997] Ecr i circa 1997
and Vehmassalon kansanterveystyön kuntayhtymà n hallitus [2002] ECR I circa 2002
AvestaPolarit Chrome [2003] ECR I-8725 Europe circa 2003 flag 11
Commission v Denmark [1982] ECR 4547 Europe circa 1982 flag 5
Commission v Germany [1995] EUECJ C-431/92; [1996] 1 CMLR 196; [1995] ECR I-2189 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Aug 1995 BAILII flag 47
Commission v Spain [2003] ECR I circa 2003
Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland [1998] ECR I circa 1998
Saetti and Frediani [2004] ECR I circa 2004
Standley [1999] ECR I circa 1999

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