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NRMA Ltd v Snodgrass   flag  5

[2001] NSWSC 76; (2001) 37 ACSR 382; 19 ACLC 769
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
23rd February, 2001

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Reefton Mining NL v Kimbriki Nominees Pty Ltd [2007] FCA 17; (2007) 61 ACSR 72; 25 ACLC 61 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Jan 2007 AustLII flag 5
Gratton v Carlton Football Club Ltd [2004] VSC 379; 187 FLR 25; 22 ACLC 1524; 51 ACSR 29 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 6 Oct 2004 AustLII flag 7
NRMA Ltd v Snodgrass [2001] NSWCA 312; 52 NSWLR 383; 39 ACSR 260; 19 ACLC 1675 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 12 Sep 2001 AustLII flag 7

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"How Does the Division of Power Between the Board and the General Meeting Operate?" (2010) 31 Adelaide Law Review 169 Boros, Elizabeth Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag
"Shareholder Activism Under the Corporations Act" [2006] AUMPLawAYbk 13 Black, Ashley Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

s232, s249Q
Legislation Name Provision
Company Law Review Act 1998 (Cth)
Rules (Cth)
Supreme Court Rules (NSW)
Legal Profession Act 1987 (NSW) s140

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Gambotto v WCP Ltd [1995] HCA 12; (1995) 182 CLR 432; 127 ALR 417; 16 ACSR 1; 69 ALJR 266; (1995) 13 ACLC 342 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Mar 1995 AustLII flag 160
Bailey v New South Wales Medical Defence Union Ltd [1995] HCA 28; (1995) 184 CLR 399; (1995) 132 ALR 1; (1995) 69 ALJR 890; (1995) 18 ACSR 521; (1995) 8 ANZ Insurance Cases 61-291; (1995) 13 ACLC 1698; (1995) 18 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1995 AustLII flag 152
(1990) 30 ACSR 474 (1990) 30 ACSR 474 Australia circa 1990 LexisNexis AU flag 1
Humes Ltd v Unity APA Ltd (No 1) [1987] VicRp 42; [1987] VR 467; (1986) 11 ACLR 641; (1987) 5 ACLC 15 Australia - Victoria 28 Nov 1986 AustLII flag 20
NRMA v Parker (1986) 6 NSWLR 517; 11 ACLR 1; 4 ACLC 609 Australia - New South Wales circa 1986 LexisNexis AU flag 43
Peters' American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath [1939] HCA 2; (1939) 61 CLR 457; [1939] ALR 124 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Feb 1939 AustLII flag 168
Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] UKLawRpCh 37; [1900] 1 Ch 656 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 19 Feb 1900 CommonLII flag 101
Swabey v Port Darwin Gold Mining Co (1889) 1 Meg 385 United Kingdom circa 1889 flag 11

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