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M/S Atul Castings Ltd v Bawa Gurvachan Singh   flag 

[2001] INSC 238
Supreme Court of India
20th April, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1980] 1all Er 529 [1980] 1All ER 529 United Kingdom circa 1980 CommonLII flag 3
Air 1929 PC 108 AIR 1929 PC 108 Privy Council India circa 1929 flag 4
Bishamber Dass Kohli v SMT Satya Bhalla [1993] INSC 15; 1993 1 SCALE 105; 1993 1 JT 123; 1993 1 SCC 566; 1993 1 SCR 171 Supreme Court of India India 12 Jan 1993 LIIofIndia flag 3
Lajja Bal (deceased) 2000 3 SCC 723 circa 2000 2

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