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Champion v WA   flag  2

[1999] FCA 581
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
7th May, 1999

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Western Australia v Native Title Registrar [1999] FCA 1594 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Nov 1999 AustLII flag 12

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"So, What's New? Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate after Ward" (2002) 21 (3) Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Journal 302 Ritter, David Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) s22
Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s64
Native Title Amendment Act 1998 (Cth)
Federal Court Rules (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"So, What's New? Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate after Ward" (2002) 21 (3) Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Journal 302 Ritter, David Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag

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