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National Power Corporation v Court of Appeals and Cagayan Electric Power and Light Co , Inc (Cepalco)   flag 

[1997] PHSC 822
Supreme Court of the Philippines
26th September, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Alger Electric, Inc v Court of Appeals 135 SCRA 37 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 23
(1988) 161 Scra 100 (1988) 161 SCRA 100 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1988 flag 3
City of Naga v Agna 71 SCRA 176 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
(1993) 224 Scra 500 (1993) 224 SCRA 500 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1993 flag 2
KMU Labor Center v Garcia, Jr 239 SCRA 386 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 19
46 Sec 14 46 SEC 14 United States flag 5
National Power Corporation v Court of Appeals (1990) 185 SCRA 169 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1990 flag 7
47 Sec 4 47 SEC 4 United States circa 1990 flag 2
National Power Corporation v Court of Appeals 161 SCRA 103 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Albano v Reyes (1989) 175 SCRA 264 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1989 flag 15
Palay and Corn Planters Association, Inc v Feliciano 13 SCRA 377 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 25
3 Sec 3 3 SEC 3 United States flag 54
Power Corporation v Jacinto 134 SCRA 435 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
64 Am Jur 549 64 Am Jur 549 United States flag 2
Vincent Tallarida Lot (No 11) Devonshire Lane Mt Macedon Part CA 1 SEC 3 United States flag 72
Victronics Computers, Inc vs Logarta 217 SCRA 517 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 25
(1989) 180 Scra 628 (1989) 180 SCRA 628 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1989 flag 6
47 Sec 3 47 SEC 3 United States flag 9

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