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Sudhakar Naik & 13 v State & 3 Ors - CRMC   flag 

[1996] INORHC 365
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
17th June, 1996

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1987) 2 JT 301 (1987) 2 JT 301 circa 1987 1
(1989) 2 Okla Crim 128 (1989) 2 Okla Crim 128 United States - Oklahoma circa 1989 flag 1
(1991) 4 Okla Crim 25 (1991) 4 Okla Crim 25; 109 P 736 United States - Oklahoma circa 1991 flag 4
(1992) 5 Okla Crim 461 (1992) 5 Okla Crim 461 United States - Oklahoma circa 1992 flag 1
[1995] Criminal Law Journal (India) 3964 [1995] Criminal Law Journal (India) 3964 Criminal Law Journal (India) India circa 1995 flag 1
Air 1980 SC 1200 AIR 1980 SC 1200 Supreme Court of India India circa 1980 flag 3
Discussed " Counsel for the petitioners relying on the case of Mahesh Chand and anr vs Rajasthan AIR 1988 SC 2111 Supreme Court of India India circa 1988 flag 7
Rameshchandra J, Thakkar v a P Jhaveri & Anr [1972] INSC 257; 1973 3 SCC 884; 1973 2 SCR 691; AIR 1973 SC 84 Supreme Court of India India 13 Oct 1972 LIIofIndia flag 3
Union Carbide Corporation v Union of India [1991] INSC 252; 1991 2 SCALE 675; (1991) 6 JT 8; 1991 4 SCC 584; 1991 1 SCR Supl 251; AIR 1992 SC 248 Supreme Court of India India 3 Oct 1991 LIIofIndia flag 42

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