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Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons - Public sitting held on Monday 13 November 1995, at 10 35 a m , at the Peace Palace, President Bedjaoui presiding - Oral Statements   flag 

[1995] ICJTrans 97
International Court of Justice
13th November, 1995

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
"The Opinions of Legal Scholars on the Legal Status of Nuclear Weapons" (1987) 24 Stanford Journal of International Law 111 Stanford Journal of International Law United States circa 1987 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg): Judgment and Sentences" (1947) 41 American Journal of International Law 172 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1947 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 29
"Rape and other Forms of Sexual Assault in the Armed Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: Legal, Procedural, and Evidentiary Issues" 5 Criminal Law Forum 471 Criminal Law Forum Canada - British Columbia LexisNexis / SpringerLink flag 1
28 CR 95/23 28 CR 95/23 1
39 CR 95/28 39 CR 95/28 1
40 CR 95/23 40 CR 95/23 1
24 CR 95/25 24 CR 95/25 1
7 CR 95/22 7 CR 95/22 1
26 CR 95/24 26 CR 95/24 1
9 CR 95/23 9 CR 95/23 1
13 CR 95/23 13 CR 95/23 1
[1995] CR 95/31 [1995] CR 95/31 circa 1995 1
23 CR 95/23 23 CR 95/23 1
10 CR 95/28 10 CR 95/28 1
27 CR 95/23 27 CR 95/23 1
(1995) 20 CR 95/22 (1995) 20 CR 95/22 circa 1995 1
(1995) 6 CR 95/22 (1995) 6 CR 95/22 circa 1995 1
38 CR 95/26 38 CR 95/26 1
25 CR 95/24 25 CR 95/24 1

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