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Donegan v Beech Bend Raceway Park Inc   flag 

894 F2d 205
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
United States
24th January, 1990

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Adickes v SH Kress & Co (1969) 398 US 144; 31 FRD 647; 26 L Ed 142; 26 L Ed 2d 142; 90 SCt 1598; [1970] Moore 754 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jun 1970 WorldLII flag 1391
Sartor v Arkansas Natural Gas Corporation 321 US 620; 88 L Ed 967; 64 SCt 724; 90 SCt 1598; 88 L Ed 2d 967 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Apr 1944 WorldLII flag 1197
McTavish v Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Co 485 F2d 510 United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit United States 16 Oct 1973 WorldLII flag 3
Cobb v Gulf Refining Co 284 Ky 523; 145 SW 2d 96 US United States - Kentucy flag 3
Cir 1986); Dunn v Paducah Int'l Raceway 599 FSupp 612 United States circa 1986 Westlaw flag 2
Meiman v Rehab Ctr , Inc 444 SW 2d 78 US 2
Lowe v Commonwealth 298 Ky 7; 181 SW 2d 409 United States - Kentucy flag 2
Louisville & N RR v George 279 Ky 24; 129 SW 2d 986 US United States - Kentucy flag 2
Greenwich Ins Co v Louisville & NR Co 112 Ky 598 United States - Kentucy flag 2

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