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Yao Kee, Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Cho, and Sy Chun Yen v Aida Sy-Gonzales, Manuel Sy, Teresita Sy-Bernabe, Rodolfo Sy, and Honorable Court of Appeals   flag 

[1988] PHSC 933
Supreme Court of the Philippines
24th November, 1988

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1979] Scra 3 [1979] SCRA 3 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1979 flag 1
(1976) 72 Scra 52 (1976) 72 SCRA 52 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1976 flag 1
(1967) 21 Scra 1324 (1967) 21 SCRA 1324 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1967 flag 5
(1966) 18 Scra 450 (1966) 18 SCRA 450 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1966 flag 3
Vivo (1965) 13 SCRA 552 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1965 flag 3
Memoracion and Uri (1916) 34 Phil 633 Philippines circa 1916 flag 3
Divinagracia vs Bellosillo 143 SCRA 356 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 10
Collector of Internal Revenue v Fisher 110 Phil 686 Philippines flag 8
Divinagracia v Rovira 72 SCRA 307 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 6
Willamette Iron and Steel Works v Muzzal 61 Phil 471 Philippines flag 4
Miciano v Brimo 60 Phil 867 Philippines flag 1
Fluemer v Hix 54 Phil 610 Philippines flag 8
Adong v Cheong Seng Gee 43 Phil 43 Philippines flag 19
Russia v Hamburg-American Line 42 Phil 845 Philippines flag 10
Lim and Lim v Collector of Customs 36 Phil 472 Philippines flag 13
Ka Lim v Collector of Customs 30 Phil 46 Philippines flag 8
Sy Joc Lieng v Syquia 16 Phil 137 Philippines flag 20
7 Phil 390 7 Phil 390 Philippines flag 4

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