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Re Ronald Sharp and Secretary, Department of Social Security   flag 

[1986] AATA 208
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
4th August, 1986

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act 1923 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Commissioner of Taxes (SA) v Executor Trustee and Agency Co of South Australia Ltd [1938] HCA 69; (1938) 63 CLR 108; [1939] ALR 81; (1938) 5 ATD 98; 1 AITR 302 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Dec 1938 AustLII flag 245
Re Siebel and Director-General of Social Security (1983) 5 ALN N194 Australia circa 1983 flag 13
Re Paula and Secretary to the Department of Social Security (1985) 7 ALN N182 Australia circa 1985 flag 8
Re McBow and Director-General of Social Security (1984) 6 ALN N83 Australia circa 1984 flag 7
Re Smith and Director-General of Social Services (1982) 4 ALN N231 Australia circa 1982 flag 7
Inland Revenue Commissioner v N v Phillips Gloeilampenfabricken (1955) 74 NZLR 868 New Zealand circa 1955 LexisNexis flag 7
Re Heidemann and Secretary to Department of Social Security (1985) 8 ALN N65 Australia circa 1985 flag 3

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