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JM Tuason & Co , Inc v Hon Court of Appeals, Alfonso De Leon and Rosario G De Leon   flag 

[1979] PHSC 382
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st November, 1979

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1977) 78 Scra 427 (1977) 78 SCRA 427 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1977 flag 7
People v Pantoja (1968) 25 SCRA 468 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 74
Manacop, Jr v Cangino 1961 1 SCRA 572 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1961 flag 7
73 Scra 116 73 SCRA 116 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1961 flag 4
311 Scra 329 311 SCRA 329 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1961 flag 1
Ramos v Central Bank 41 SCRA 565 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 35
Fule v De Legare 7 SCRA 351; 117 Phil 367 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 47
De Cortes v Venturanza 79 SCRA 709 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 16
Cui and Joven v Henson 51 Phil 606 Philippines flag 20
37 Phil 645 37 Phil 645 Philippines flag 5
Andaya v Manansala 107 Phil 1151 Philippines flag 4
Angelo v Pacheco 56 Phil 70 Philippines flag 4

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