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Mohan Singh Oberoi v Commissioner of Income-Tax, West Bengal   flag 

[1972] INSC 288; 1973 3 SCC 491; 1973 1 SCR 1057; AIR 1973 SC 651
Supreme Court of India
29th November, 1972

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Income Tax Act, 1922 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
1 Smith KB 1 1 Smith KB 1 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Meenakshi Mills, Madurai v the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Madras [1956] INSC 50; [1956] SCR 691; AIR 1957 SC 49 Supreme Court of India India 26 Sep 1956 LIIofIndia flag 21
E-H] Kishanchand Lunidasing Balaji v Commissioner of Income Tax 60 ITR 500 circa 1957 2
(1966) 60 Itr 5000 (1966) 60 ITR 5000 circa 1966 1
Howrah Trading Co Ltd , v Commissioner of Income-tax, Central Calcutta 36 ITR 215 circa 1957 7

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