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Commissioner of Wealth Tax, West Bengal v Champa Kumari Singhi   flag 

[1972] INSC 18; 1972 1 SCC 508; 1972 3 SCR 118; AIR 1972 SC 2119
Supreme Court of India
19th January, 1972

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Maintenance Act, 1956 (Tas)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1941] Bom 250 [1941] Bom 250 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 1
Banarsi Das v Wealth Tax Officer 56 ITR 224 6
E-128A] Kamawari v Digbijai AIR 1922 PC 14 Privy Council India circa 1922 flag 3
E] Bhagwandas Tejmal v Rajmal (1873) 10 Bom HCR 241 India - Maharashtra circa 1873 flag 2
E] Bobaladi Gateppa v Bobbaladi Eramma & Others AIR 1927 Mad 228 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1927 flag 2
Sheokuarbai v Jeoraj [1921] PC 77 United Kingdom circa 1921 flag 1
2 Itr 463 2 ITR 463 circa 1927 1
55 Ilr 31 55 ILR 31 circa 1927 1
65 Itr 123 65 ITR 123 circa 1927 1

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