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William C Reagan, Etc v Commissioner of Internal Revenue   flag 

[1969] PHSC 504
Supreme Court of the Philippines
27th December, 1969

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v Guerrero 21 SCRA 180 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 20
25 Scra 1057 25 SCRA 1057 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
E Rodriguez, Inc v Collector of Internal Revenue 28 SCRA 1119 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13
Co Po v Collector of Internal Revenue 5 SCRA 1057 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Brown v Duchesne 19 How 183 United Stated Supreme Court United States flag 49
Green v United States 355 US 184; 78 SCt 221; 60 Cal2d 482; 386 P2d 677; 2 L Ed 199; 61 ALR 2d 1119; 35 Cal Rptr 77; 3 Pet 431; 2 Cranch 33; 2 L Ed 2d 199; 61 ALR 2d 111948; 3 Wheat 591 United States Supreme Court United States 16 Dec 1957 WorldLII flag 561
Co v Browning 310 US 362; 84 L Ed 1254; 60 SCt 968 United States Supreme Court United States 20 May 1940 WorldLII flag 51
Wright v United States 302 US 583; 82 L Ed 439; 58 SCt 395 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Jan 1938 WorldLII flag 16
Osaka Shosen Kaisha Line v United States 300 US 98; 81 L Ed 532; 57 SCt 356 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1937 WorldLII flag 20
Myers v United States 272 US 52; 71 L Ed 160; 47 SCt 21 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Oct 1926 WorldLII flag 155
Cunard SS Co v Mellon 262 US 100; 67 L Ed 894; 43 SCt 504 United States Supreme Court United States 30 Apr 1923 WorldLII flag 51
Weyerhaeuser v Hoyt 219 US 380; 55 L Ed 258; 31 SCt 300 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Feb 1911 WorldLII flag 19
Re Debs 158 US 564; 39 L Ed 1092; 39 L Ed 2d 1092; 15 SCt 900 United States Supreme Court United States 27 May 1895 WorldLII flag 140
Northern Bank of Toledo v Porter Township Trustees 110 US 608; 28 L Ed 258; 4 SCt 254 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Mar 1884 WorldLII flag 14
Cohens v Virginia 19 US 264; 6 Wheat 5; 6 Wheat 264; 5 L Ed 257 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Mar 1821 WorldLII flag 381
Schooner Exchange v M'Faddon 11 US 116; 3 L Ed 287; 7 Cranch 116 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Feb 1812 WorldLII flag 189
People v Acierto 92 Phil 534 Philippines flag 17
Go Cheng Tee v Meer 87 Phil 18 Philippines flag 9
Morales v Paredes 55 Phil 565 Philippines flag 7
Uy Po v Collector of Customs 34 Phil 153 Philippines flag 2
2 Sec 186 2 SEC 186 United States flag 2
De los Reyes vs De Villa 48 Phil 227 Philippines flag 22
95 Phil 51 95 Phil 51 Philippines flag 2
Saura Import and Export Co v Meer 88 Phil 199 Philippines flag 7
People v Macadaeg 91 Phil 410 Philippines flag 6

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