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Red Top Cab Baggage Co v Masilotti   flag 

[1951] USCA5 265
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
13th July, 1951

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
100 f2d 310 100 F2d 310 United States Westlaw flag 2
127 f2d 275 127 F2d 275 United States Westlaw flag 3
127 f2d 719 127 F2d 719 United States Westlaw flag 2
146 f2d 103 146 F2d 103 United States Westlaw flag 2
177 f2d 635 177 F2d 635 United States Westlaw flag 3
Crenshaw Bros Produce Co v Harper 194 So 353; 142 Fla 27 United States - Florida flag 6
Louisville & NRR Co v Norton 78 So 982; 75 Fla 597 United States - Florida flag 2
Nichols v Rothkopf 185 So 725; 135 Fla 749 United States - Florida flag 2
Florida Ry Co v Dorsey 59 Fla 260; 52 So 963 United States - Florida flag 3
Swilley v Economy Cab Co of Jacksonville, Fla 46 So2d 173 United States flag 2
Sea Board Air Line Ry Co v Watson 94 Fla 571; 113 So 716 United States - Florida flag 9
H E Wolfe Construction Co , Inc v Ellison 174 So 594; 127 Fla 808 United States - Florida flag 2
City of Sebring v Avant 95 Fla 960; 117 So 383 United States - Florida flag 3

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