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v K Narasimham v P K Padmanabha Rao   flag 

[1945] AllINRprMad 216; [1945] AIR Mad 320
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
22nd March, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Air 1915 PC 96 AIR 1915 PC 96 Privy Council India circa 1915 flag 15
Commissioner of Income-tax, Burma v A L v R P Firm [1940] AllINRprRang 80; (1940) 8 ITR 531; [1940] AIR Rang 281 All India Reporter - Rangoon Myanmar 23 Aug 1940 AsianLII flag 3
52 Mad 296 52 Mad 296 India circa 1940 flag 2
(1940) 8 Itr 5315 (1940) 8 ITR 5315 circa 1940 1
Air 1940 Rang 281 AIR 1940 Rang 281 Myanmar circa 1940 flag 1
Air 1928 Mad 1229 AIR 1928 Mad 1229 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1928 flag 1
(1917) 2 KB 568 (1917) 2 KB 568; 169 IC 2 United Kingdom circa 1917 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
192 IC 561 192 IC 561 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 1
112 IC 697 112 IC 697 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 1
1 P 323 1 P 323 circa 1940 1

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