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Dakshoja Mohan Roy v Fachiuddin Meah   flag 

[1945] AllINRprCal 26; [1946] AIR Cal 110
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
5th September, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1923] Lah 425 [1923] Lah 425 Pakistan circa 1923 flag 3
[1925] Mad 1145 [1925] Mad 1145 India circa 1925 flag 4
[1938] Bom 1 [1938] Bom 1 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 3
Air 1925 Mad 1145 AIR 1925 Mad 1145 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1925 flag 4
Air 1987 Bom 358 AIR 1987 Bom 358 India - Maharashtra circa 1987 flag 2
2 P 112 2 P 112 11
2 P 113 2 P 113 4
39 Bom LR 458 39 Bom LR 458 India - Maharashtra flag 2
45 Mad 849 45 Mad 849 India flag 1
49 CWN 58 49 CWN 58 India flag 2
49 CWN 123 49 CWN 123 India flag 2
70 IC 818 70 IC 818 United Kingdom flag 1
75 IC 590 75 IC 590 United Kingdom flag 1
90 IC 1019 90 IC 1019 United Kingdom flag 2
111 Act 1915 111 Act 1915 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 1
170 IC 897 170 IC 897 United Kingdom flag 2

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