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Provincial Government, Central Provinces and Berar v Bipin Singh Choudhary   flag 

[1944] AllINRprNag 56; [1945] ILR Nag 505; 47 Cr LJ 119; [1945] AIR Nag 104
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
4th September, 1944

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1914 PC 72 AIR 1914 PC 72 Privy Council India circa 1914 flag 4
We the Provincial Government "from an original may remark along with the Lucknow Judges or appellate order of acquittal passed by any that when no appeal lies a revision would lie Court other than a High Court/* Section 345, and so in this particular case even if we had Criminal P C , contemplates no actual order been of opinion that the appeal was incompetenl of acquittal being made though in tact such 1 ('40)27 AIR 1940 Nag 181 India - Maharashtra circa 1940 flag 1
Air 1926 Oudh 329 AIR 1926 Oudh 329 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1926 flag 1
Air 1918 All 102 AIR 1918 All 102 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1918 flag 1
186 IC 370 186 IC 370 United Kingdom flag 1
124 IC 95 124 IC 95 United Kingdom flag 1

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