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v Ramaswamy Ayyangar v Commissioner of Income-tax, Madras   flag 

[1943] AllINRprMad 84
All India Reporter - Madras
15th October, 1943

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1941 Mad 118 AIR 1941 Mad 118 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1941 flag 1
[1941] Mad 1321 [1941] Mad 1321 India circa 1941 flag 2
[1941] Mad 118 [1941] Mad 118 India circa 1941 flag 5
[1939] Bom 362 [1939] Bom 362 India - Maharashtra circa 1939 flag 2
(1939) 7 Itr 362 (1939) 7 ITR 362 circa 1939 2
(1937) 1 Cal 653 (1937) 1 Cal 653 United States - California circa 1937 flag 2
Air 1937 PC 36 AIR 1937 PC 36 Privy Council India circa 1937 flag 3
[1937] PC 239 [1937] PC 239 United Kingdom circa 1937 flag 2
[1937] PC 36 [1937] PC 36 United Kingdom circa 1937 flag 5
[1931] Bom 333 [1931] Bom 333 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 2
195 IC 559 195 IC 559 United Kingdom flag 3
169 IC 7 169 IC 7 United Kingdom flag 2
166 IC 445 166 IC 445; 51 TR 90 United Kingdom flag 3
137 IC 77 137 IC 77 United Kingdom flag 1
133 IC 26; 5 Itc 100 133 IC 26; 5 ITC 100 United Kingdom flag 1
55 Bom 312 55 Bom 312 India - Maharashtra flag 4
7 Itr 3624 7 ITR 3624 1
5 LTC 4663 5 LTC 4663 United Kingdom flag 1
5 Itr 901 5 ITR 901 2
CIT v A P Swamy Gomedalli 5 ITR 416 4

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