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Aildas Madhowdas v Sobhomal Pursoomal   flag 

[1938] AllINRprSind 18
All India Reporter - Sind
29th September, 1937

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1987] Mad 178 [1987] Mad 178 India circa 1987 flag 1
(1936) 23 Air Mad 789 (1936) 23 AIR Mad 789 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1936 flag 1
[1933] Nag 1305 [1933] Nag 1305 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 1
[1929] PC 103 [1929] PC 103 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 6
[1916] PC 96 [1916] PC 96 United Kingdom circa 1916 flag 7
(1875) 24 WR 405 (1875) 24 WR 405 United Kingdom circa 1875 flag 1
Luckhi Narain Mitter v Khettro Pal Singh (1874) 13 Beng LR 146 India - West Bengal circa 1874 flag 1
80 LT 109 80 LT 109 United Kingdom flag 1
56 Cal 1048 56 Cal 1048 United States - California flag 2
43 Cal 6601 43 Cal 6601 United States - California flag 1
43 Cal 660 43 Cal 660 United States - California flag 8
2 P 63 2 P 63 8
2 P 52 2 P 52 10
Air 1929 PC 103 AIR 1929 PC 103 Privy Council India circa 1929 flag 3

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