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Bagala Nanda Dutta v Shrish Chandra Nandy, a ward of Court represented by the Mangaer, Court of Wards, Kashimbazar   flag 

[1938] AllINRprCal 83; [1939] AIR Cal 278
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
10th November, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
38 CWN 5893 38 CWN 5893 India flag 2
34 CWN 870 34 CWN 870 India flag 2
(1934) 21 Air Cal 448 (1934) 21 AIR Cal 448 India - West Bengal circa 1934 flag 5
[1934] Gal 448 [1934] Gal 448 United States circa 1934 flag 2
[1930] Gal 686 [1930] Gal 686 United States circa 1930 flag 2
[1922] Gal 242 [1922] Gal 242 United States circa 1922 flag 5
2 P 281 2 P 281 8

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