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Sital Chandra Bose v Ramesh Chandra Mitter   flag 

[1938] AllINRprCal 225; [1938] AIR Cal 615
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
31st May, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
[1930] PC 183 [1930] PC 183 United Kingdom circa 1930 flag 2
(1913) 18 Guernsey Law Journal 53 (1913) 18 Guernsey Law Journal 53 Guernsey Law Journal Guernsey circa 1913 flag 1
[1938] PC 67 [1938] PC 67 United Kingdom circa 1938 flag 13
18 CLJ 531 18 CLJ 531 1
Basu v Raika Singh (1915) 2 AIR Cal 235 India - West Bengal circa 1915 flag 2
18 Cr LJ 5194 18 Cr LJ 5194 India circa 1915 flag 2
Nabin Chandra v Rajendra Nath (1918) 5 AIR Cal 392 India - West Bengal circa 1918 flag 2
18 CLJ 53 18 CLJ 53 circa 1918 1
Subal and In 33 CWN 5763 India circa 1918 flag 2
Ram Prasad Rai v Mahesh Kant Chowdhury (1922) 9 AIR Pat 525 India - Bihar circa 1922 flag 1
18 CWN 12442 18 CWN 12442 India circa 1922 flag 2
42 Cal 612 42 Cal 612 United States - California circa 1922 flag 11

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