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Nga Aung Pe v Emperor   flag 

[1937] AllINRprRang 55
All India Reporter - Rangoon
17th February, 1937

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1920] Mad 216 [1920] Mad 216 India circa 1920 flag 3
Ibrahim v Anant Bam AIR 1932 Lahore 554 India - Punjab circa 1932 flag 2
Saleh v Emperor AIR 1932 Sind 156 Pakistan circa 1932 flag 2
Pir Mohamed v Yacoob AIR 1929 Sind 113 Pakistan circa 1929 flag 2
30 Cr LJ 4584 30 Cr LJ 4584 India circa 1929 flag 2

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