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S N v R Narayanan Chetti v S Pr Al Periappan   flag 

[1937] AllINRprMad 400; [1938] AIR Mad 887
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
2nd December, 1937

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1863-66) 10 Moore Ind App 318 (1863-66) 10 Moore Ind App 318 India circa 1863 flag 1
(1931) 18 Air Cal 417 (1931) 18 AIR Cal 417 India - West Bengal circa 1931 flag 1
[1929] PC 147 [1929] PC 147 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 9
Air 1938 Mad 4352 AIR 1938 Mad 4352 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1938 flag 2
Arogya Udayan v Appachi Rowthan [1902] Cal 66; 25 Mad 543 United States - California circa 1902 flag 1
Lallubhai Pragji v Bhimbhai Dhajibhai (1929) 16 AIR Bom 341 India - Maharashtra circa 1929 flag 1
Mutusawmy Jagavera Yettapa Naiker,-Appellant; Vencataswara Yettia,-Respondent 10 Moore Ind App 313; 25 Mad 543 India 27 Nov 1865 LIIofIndia flag 5
Ram*ah v Bamaswami 24 MLJ 233 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 5
1 Jur NS 205 1 Jur NS 205 UK 1
10 Lah 7373 10 Lah 7373 Pakistan flag 2
25 Mad 54310 25 Mad 54310 India flag 1
53 Bom 5529 53 Bom 5529 India - Maharashtra flag 1
56 Mad 7051 56 Mad 7051 India flag 4
58 Cal 666 58 Cal 666 United States - California flag 1

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