High Court ' maintenance, and for the last three years In suit lor adii ministration the court-fees payable she had been living on borrowed money* determine the jurisdiction of the Court and the Court to which an appeal lies depends not upon Therefore, she said that she brought, as she the pecuniary; urisdiction of the Subordinate was entitled to, this suit for the adminis Court, but on tty value of the subject-matter in le tration of the estate, for accounts aud io# dispute Hence, where the subject-matter valued partition, and, what is loosely stated as a for purpose of court-fee is below Bs 5000 and declaration She goes on in her plaint trf First Glass Sub-,c udge has returned the plaint for presentation to the proper Court an appeal from say that even if it be found that her late liis order lies to lihe District Court and not to the husband was not separate from the defend High Court
19 Bom 198
India - Maharashtra
circa 1936