[1937] Own 14
[1937] OWN 14
Canada - Ontario
circa 1937
Asa Ram v Puttoo Lai
AIR 1937 Oudh 2
India - Uttar Pradesh
circa 1937
Suryanarayanamurty v Nagachendramowli
AIR 1936 Mad 842
India - Tamil Nadu
circa 1936
[1936] Own 875
[1936] OWN 875
Canada - Ontario
circa 1936
Additional Judicial Com "When notice has been issued upon an applica missioner of Nagpur expressed himself as tion under 0 44, R 1 to the opposite party and the Government Advocate, it is still open to the follows: Court under the proviso to that Rule to reject the application, unless upon a perusal thereof, and of The object of R 5, 0 22, seems to be merely to take away the option and compel the Oourt to the judgment and decree appealed from, it sees decide the question itself The rule does not lay reason to think that the decree is contrary to law down that the Court has exclusive jurisdiction to or to some usage having the force of law, or is determine it and that no other Court can try and otherwise erroneous or unjust
[1936] OWN 875
Canada - Ontario
circa 1934
Tilak Mahton v Akhil Kishore
AIR 1931 Pat 183
India - Bihar
circa 1931
[1929] Lah 5147
[1929] Lah 5147
circa 1929
Laxmi v Ganpat
AIR 1921 Nag 23
India - Maharashtra
circa 1921
165 IC 276
165 IC 276
United Kingdom
circa 1934
154 IC 985
154 IC 985
United Kingdom
circa 1934
62 IC 303
62 IC 303
United Kingdom
20 IC 9507
20 IC 9507
United Kingdom
circa 1934