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Marotirao Tanbaji Kjunbi v Municipal Committte, Kamptee   flag 

[1936] AllINRprNag 135; [1937] AIR Nag 11
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
3rd August, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
H C Stork [1924] Mad 442 India circa 1924 flag 4
47 Mad 3572 47 Mad 3572 India flag 2
Air 1917 Pat 176 AIR 1917 Pat 176 India - Bihar circa 1917 flag 3
Air 1931 Nag 156 AIR 1931 Nag 156 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 2
Saraswati Pattack v Land Acquisition Deputy [1930] Nag 271 India - Maharashtra circa 1930 flag 2
Air 1923 Bom 290 AIR 1923 Bom 290 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 2
47 Bom 699 47 Bom 699 India - Maharashtra circa 1930 flag 3
47 Bom 6993 47 Bom 6993 India - Maharashtra circa 1930 flag 2
B), Arjun Rautara v Krishna Chandra 47 Mad 357; AIR 1934 Cal 758 India - West Bengal circa 1934 flag 4
1041 MLJ 209 1041 MLJ 209 Malaysia circa 1934 LexisNexis flag 2
27 NLR 1751 27 NLR 1751 Sri Lanka flag 2
Abdul Sattar Sahib v Special Deputy Collec 39 IC 650 United Kingdom circa 1934 flag 3
73 IC 354 73 IC 354 United Kingdom circa 1934 flag 2
1 P 13 1 P 13 circa 1934 7
2 P 12 2 P 12 circa 1934 12

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