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Chunnibai Madhoram, Mt v Girdhari Lal Chunnilal   flag 

[1933] AllINRprNag 106
All India Reporter - Nagpur
2nd October, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
[1929] Mad 1 [1929] Mad 1 India circa 1929 flag 6
Madhoram and "In 1908 both the parents of the defendant Chunnilal in 19J 7 was expressly denied were dead In order to establish his adoption -by the defendant in her written state 1 AIR 1925 PC 118 Privy Council India circa 1925 flag 1
(1884) 7 Mad 548 (1884) 7 Mad 548 India circa 1884 flag 2
1 Mad 548 1 Mad 548 India circa 1925 flag 1
(1901) 25 Bom 551 (1901) 25 Bom 551 India - Maharashtra circa 1901 flag 2
A\i\r AIR 1929 Mad 1 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1929 flag 4
21 NLR 50 21 NLR 50 Sri Lanka circa 1925 flag 3
30 NLR 62 30 NLR 62 Sri Lanka circa 1925 flag 3
[1922] Exch P-11 [1922] Exch P-11 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1922 flag 1
4 IC 1045 4 IC 1045 United Kingdom circa 1925 flag 1

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