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Umesh Chandra Mondal v Hemanga Chandra Maity   flag 

[1932] AllINRprCal 128; [1933] AIR Cal 325
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
13th May, 1932

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Newbould v Smith [1889] UKLawRpAC 29; (1889) 14 AC 423 United Kingdom 26 Jul 1889 CommonLII flag 2
Maria Chinnery (a Lunatic, by her next Friend),-Appellant; Eyre Evans-Respondent [1864] EngR 652; 11 HLCas 115; 11 ER 1274 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 29
27 Bom 162 27 Bom 162 India - Maharashtra flag 6
[1905] 1 Guernsey Law Journal 337 [1905] 1 Guernsey Law Journal 337 Guernsey Law Journal Guernsey circa 1905 flag 3
2 P 332 2 P 332 10
(1903) 26 Mad 224 (1903) 26 Mad 224 India circa 1903 flag 2
1 Patna Law Journal 46 1 Patna Law Journal 46 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar flag 3
1 Patna Law Journal 468 1 Patna Law Journal 468 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar flag 1
Air 1925 Cal 152 AIR 1925 Cal 152 India - West Bengal circa 1925 flag 2

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