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Mahomed Yacoob v P L R M Firm   flag 

[1931] AllINRprRang 79
All India Reporter - Rangoon
15th July, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1923 Pat 525 AIR 1923 Pat 525 India - Bihar circa 1923 flag 3
Narayan Das v Jatindra Nath [1927] P 0; 176-51 Bom 725 India - Maharashtra circa 1927 flag 33
Air 1929 Rang 311 AIR 1929 Rang 311 Myanmar circa 1929 flag 1
Prosad Jha v Upendra Nath Jha (l) and "Condition 3 --The highest bidder shall be Maung Ohn Tin v P B M P S B M declared to be the purchaser of any lot, provided Ghettyar Firm (2) I am of opinion that provided thathe is legally qualified to bid,of and always that it shall be in the discretion the the ruling of Chari, J , in Afauzuddin v 1 2 (3) AIR 1929 Rang 12 Myanmar circa 1929 flag 1
[1931] Gal 583 [1931] Gal 583 United States circa 1931 flag 2
[1931] Cal 583 [1931] Cal 583 United States - California circa 1931 flag 1
[1925] Cal 929 [1925] Cal 929 United States - California circa 1925 flag 2

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