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(Raja Syed) Ahmad Ali Khan Alawi v Secretary of State   flag 

[1931] AllINRprOudh 156
All India Reporter - Oudh
9th December, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1919) 42 Mad 281 (1919) 42 Mad 281 India circa 1919 flag 2
[1917] 2 Patna Law Journal 204 [1917] 2 Patna Law Journal 204 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar circa 1917 flag 1
[1923] Bom 290 [1923] Bom 290 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 2
[1927] Bom 594 [1927] Bom 594 India - Maharashtra circa 1927 flag 3
Air 1931 Oudh 259 AIR 1931 Oudh 259 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1931 flag 2
Arthur John Mackinley--Appellant and Phillip v Phillip 41 LJP & M 89 United Kingdom flag 2
D'Alton v D'Alton 4 PD 91 United Kingdom flag 2
India Steam Navigation Co v Secy 32 Cal 605 United States - California flag 14
Keyse v Keyse [1886] UKLawRpPro 36; (1886) 11 PD 100 United Kingdom 26 Jun 1886 CommonLII flag 4
Stark v Stark and Hitchins, Kisch, J [1910] PD 190 United Kingdom circa 1910 flag 2
Thomas v Thomas [1925] Cal 585 United States - California circa 1925 flag 4
1 Bom 699 1 Bom 699 India - Maharashtra circa 1910 flag 2
2 P 186 2 P 186 circa 1910 10
9 Own 234 9 OWN 234 Canada - Ontario circa 1910 flag 1
47 Ltra 181 47 LTRA 181 United Kingdom circa 1910 flag 2
72 CWN 241 72 CWN 241 India flag 1

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