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Gopal v Bajrang   flag 

[1928] AllINRprNag 151
All India Reporter - Nagpur
8th December, 1928

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hanmanta v Annaji Hanmant (1933) 37 Bom 610 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 3
[1926] Nag 290 [1926] Nag 290 India - Maharashtra circa 1926 flag 2
[1924] Gal 744 [1924] Gal 744 United States circa 1924 flag 4
[1922] Nag 115 [1922] Nag 115 India - Maharashtra circa 1922 flag 2
(1897) 25 Cal 99 (1897) 25 Cal 99 United States - California circa 1897 flag 4
(1888) 15 Gal 521 (1888) 15 Gal 521 United States circa 1888 flag 6
(1887) 14 Gal 617 (1887) 14 Gal 617 United States circa 1887 flag 2
36 Bom 116 36 Bom 116 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 4
Jmes v Frost 3 Mad 1 India circa 1933 flag 8
2 P 70 2 P 70 circa 1933 15
Air 1925 PC 176 AIR 1925 PC 176 Privy Council India circa 1925 flag 4

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