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Ma Tin U v Ma Ma Than   flag 

[1927] AllINRprRang 36
All India Reporter - Rangoon
14th February, 1927

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Ma Nge Ma v Ma Shwe Hnit [1916] AllINRprUB 10; 2 UBR 116; 10 Bur LT 225; [1917] AIR UB 12 All India Reporter - Upper Burma Myanmar 30 Jun 1916 AsianLII flag 6
2 P 253 2 P 253 circa 1916 6
[1892-96] 2 Ubr 159 [1892-96] 2 UBR 159 Myanmar circa 1892 flag 4
10 LBR 396 10 LBR 396 Myanmar circa 1916 flag 4
[1925] PC 29; 84 IC 899 [1925] PC 29; 84 IC 899 United Kingdom circa 1925 flag 3
Ma Yi v Ma Gale (1913) 6 LBR 167 Myanmar circa 1913 flag 3
[1872-92] LBR 296 [1872-92] LBR 296 Myanmar circa 1872 flag 1
161 LT 75 161 LT 75 United Kingdom flag 1

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