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Mahabir Pattak v Jageshar Pattak   flag 

[1926] AllINRprOudh 163
All India Reporter - Oudh
20th October, 1926

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1912) 10 Australian Law Journal 413 (1912) 10 Australian Law Journal 413 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1912 Legal Online flag 3
(1919) 43 Bom 890 (1919) 43 Bom 890 India - Maharashtra circa 1919 flag 7
(1920) 7 Oudh Law Journal 237 (1920) 7 Oudh Law Journal 237 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1920 flag 2
[1917] 3 Oudh Law Journal 226 [1917] 3 Oudh Law Journal 226 Oudh Law Journal India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1917 flag 1
2 P 22 2 P 22 10
44 Bom 673 44 Bom 673 India - Maharashtra flag 3

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