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Abministrator-General of Bengal v Balkissen Misser   flag 

[1924] AllINRprCal 36; [1925] AIR Cal 140
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
12th May, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
49 Cai 235 49 CAI 235 Canada - Quebec flag 2
(1908) 35 Cal 691--12 (1908) 35 Cal 691--12 United States - California circa 1908 flag 1
[1917] MWN 605 [1917] MWN 605 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1917 flag 2
1 WR 419 1 WR 419 United Kingdom flag 2
Jagadindra Nath Roy v Hemanta Kumari Debi 32 Cal 129 United States - California flag 28
35 Cal 691 35 Cal 691 United States - California flag 3
Sonatun Bysack- Appellant; Sreemutty Juggutsoondree Dossee,-Respondent 8 Moore Ind App 66 India 2 Dec 1859 LIIofIndia flag 13
Manohar Ganesh v Lakhmiram, ILR 12 Bom 247 India - Maharashtra flag 18
(1911) 33 ALT 735--11 (1911) 33 ALT 735--11 Australia circa 1911 flag 1
22 MLT 52 22 MLT 52 India - Tamil Nadu flag 2

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