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Mohitiappu v Kiribanda - NLR - 221 of 25   flag 

[1923] LKCA 66; (1923) 25 NLR 221
Sri Lankan Court of Appeal
Sri Lanka
13th September, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Gray v Gee (1923) 39 TLR 429 United Kingdom circa 1923 LexisNexis flag 10
(1900) 4 NLR 316 (1900) 4 NLR 316 Sri Lanka circa 1900 flag 2
(1861) 9 HLB 576 (1861) 9 HLB 576 Australia circa 1861 flag 1
8 Jur NS 724 8 Jur NS 724; 9 HL 577 UK 1

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