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Pusapati Venkatapathiraju Garu v Vatsavaya Venkata Subhadrayyamma Jagapati   flag 

[1918] AllINRprMad 281
All India Reporter - Madras
21st March, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
22 Cal 434-22 22 Cal 434-22 United States - California flag 1
(1900) 24 Bom 400 (1900) 24 Bom 400 India - Maharashtra circa 1900 flag 3
31 Bom 165 31 Bom 165 India - Maharashtra flag 11
(1909) 32 Mad 410 (1909) 32 Mad 410 India circa 1909 flag 4
35 Mad 114 35 Mad 114 India flag 3
13 AC 523 13 AC 523 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 35
[1878] 2 Mad 212 [1878] 2 Mad 212 India circa 1878 flag 1
18 WR 140 18 WR 140 United Kingdom flag 1
[1914] Mad 231 [1914] Mad 231 India circa 1914 flag 1
21 Cal 496 21 Cal 496 United States - California flag 8
[1916] 1 Ivb 566 [1916] 1 IVB 566 United Kingdom - Northern Ireland circa 1916 flag 1
1 QB 673 1 QB 673 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 17
Mersey Steel and Iron Co v Naylor, Benzon & Co (1884) 9 AC 434; 53 LJQB 497 United Kingdom circa 1884 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 145
2 P 728 2 P 728 2
Underwood, Son & Piper v Lewis [1894] UKLawRpKQB 96; [1894] 2 QB 306 United Kingdom 11 May 1894 CommonLII flag 57
Ramasami Chetti v Alagappa Chetti (1915) 2 P 726 circa 1915 2
(1907) 30 Mad 526 (1907) 30 Mad 526 India circa 1907 flag 2
16 Mad 429 16 Mad 429 India circa 1915 flag 11

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