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Ammalu Achi v Ponnammal Achi   flag 

[1918] AllINRprMad 178
All India Reporter - Madras
11th October, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Helen Jane Codrington v Sir William John Codrington [1875] UKLawRpHL 21; (1875) LR 7 HL 854 United Kingdom 12 Jul 1875 CommonLII flag 16
Chesham (Lord), In re; Cavendish v Dacre [1886] UKLawRpCh 21; (1886) 31 Ch D 466 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 26 Jan 1886 CommonLII flag 10
20 Mad 245 20 Mad 245 India flag 9
21 Mad 139 21 Mad 139 India flag 8
Banga Bao v Bajagopala Foil (1899) 22 Mad 20; 8 Bom 561 India - Maharashtra circa 1899 flag 5
(1913) 36 Mad 66 (1913) 36 Mad 66 India circa 1913 flag 4
[1893] 3 MLJ 199 [1893] 3 MLJ 199 Malaysia circa 1893 LexisNexis flag 3
Isitt v Beeston [1869] UKLawRpExch 13; (1868-1869) LR 4 Exch 159 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom 22 Apr 1869 CommonLII flag 2
30 Gal 843 30 Gal 843 United States flag 2
202 MWN 144 202 MWN 144 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
30 Cal 843 30 Cal 843 United States - California flag 1

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