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Subbaraya Chettiar v Papathi Ammal   flag 

[1917] AllINRprMad 98
All India Reporter - Madras
2nd November, 1917

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
516 MWN 289 516 MWN 289 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
(1878) 3 Bom 437 (1878) 3 Bom 437 India - Maharashtra circa 1878 flag 1
[1914] Mad 154 [1914] Mad 154 India circa 1914 flag 1
16 Act 3 16 Act 3 United Kingdom flag 2
Cohen v Mitchell [1890] UKLawRpKQB 81; 25 QBD 262; 59 LJQB 409 United Kingdom 14 May 1890 CommonLII flag 49
[1914] Mad 395 [1914] Mad 395 India circa 1914 flag 2
30 Mad 145 30 Mad 145 India flag 9
(1908) 31 Mad 493 (1908) 31 Mad 493 India circa 1908 flag 2

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